College of EngineeringBiosystems EngineeringPeopleEcological EngineeringPublications


Peer-reviewed Publications:
1. Lamm, F., Colaizzi, P.D., Sorensen, R.B., Bordovsky, J.P., Dougherty, M., Balkcom, K.,…Troy,
R. (2021). A 2020 vision of subsurface drip irrigation in the USA. Transactions of the ASABE,
Vol. 64(4): 1319-1343, doi:10.13031/trans.14555

2. Wu, Z., Dougherty, M., Chen, Z., Zhou, Y., Zuo, X., and J. He. (2021). Interaction between
bioaccumulation and the efficiency of intermittent sand filters in wastewater treatment. Journal
of Cleaner Production, 335(2021)130303, doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.130303

3. Roberts, T., Rahn, K., Dougherty, M., and C. LeBleu. (2021). Effects of pervious concrete
thickness on leachate water temperature during simulated rain events. EPiC Series in Built
Environment. Proceedings of the 57th ASC International Conference, Vol. XXX, 2021: 634-632.

4. Davis, J.N., Dougherty, M., Fasina, O., and S. Tyndall. (2021). Use and impacts of e-portfolios
for Biosystems Engineering graduates. Proceedings of the 2021 ASABE Annual International
Meeting (Virtual), ASABE Paper No. 2100263, doi:10.13031/aim.202100263

5. He, J., Chen, Z., Dougherty, M., Hu, S., and X. Zuo. (2021). Explore the sludge stabilization
process in sludge drying bed by modeling study from mesocosm experiments. Environmental
Research 195 (2021), doi:10.1016/j.envres.2021.110837

6. Chen, S., Chen, Z., Dougherty, M., Zuo, Z, and J. He. (2021). The role of clogging in intermittent
sand filter (ISF) performance in treating rural wastewater retention pond effluent. Journal of
Cleaner Production (2021), doi:10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.1263309

7. Da Cunha, J., Ortiz, B., Balkom, K., Damianidis, D., Knapenberger, T., and M. Dougherty.
(2020). Evaluation of two irrigation scheduling methods and nitrogen rates on corn production in
Alabama. International Journal of Agronomy (2020), doi:10.1155/2020/8869383

8. Chen, S., Dougherty, M., Chen, Z., Zuo, X., and J. He. (2020). Managing biofilm growth and
clogging to promote sustainability in an intermittent sand filter (ISF). Science of the Total
Environment (2020), doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.142477

9. He, J., Dougherty, M., and Z. Chen. (2020). Numerical assessment of a soil moisture controlled
wastewater SDI disposal system in Alabama Black Belt Prairie. Chemosphere 263.

10. Feng, J., Zong, W., Wang, P., Zhang, Z.T., Gu, Y., Dougherty, M., Borobok, I., and Y. Wang.
(2020). RRNPP-type quorum sensing systems regulate solvent formation, sporulation and cell
motility in Clostridium saccharoperbutylacetonicum. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 13(84).

11. Laljeet, S., Lamba, J., Kumar, H., Srivastava, P., Dougherty, M., and R. Prasad. (2020). An
innovative approach to rainwater harvesting for irrigation based on ENSO forecasts. Journal of
Soil & Water Conservation, 75(5) 565-578. doi: 10.2489/jswc.2020.00085

12. LeBleu, C., Dougherty, M., Rahn, K., Wright, A., Bowen, R., Wang, R., Orjuela, J.A., and K.
Britton. (2019). Quantifying thermal characteristics of stormwater through low impact
development systems. Hydrology, 6(16). doi:10.3390/hydrology6010016

13. Dougherty, M. Davis, J., Davis, J., and O. Fasina. (2019). Lifelong learning for engineering
graduates. ASABE Resource Magazine, Sept/Oct 2019.

14. Dougherty, M., Bouselmi, A., Curtis, L.M., Burmester, C.H., Harkins, H.D., Norris, B.E., and B.
Durham. (2018). Sub-surface drip fertigation for site-specific, precision management of cotton.
Proceedings of the Irrigation Association International Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Dec. 3-6, 2018.

15. Rahn, K, Davis, P, and M. Dougherty. (2017). Laboratory methods examining the effects of
pavement runoff. Proceedings of the Creative Construction Conference 2017, CCC 2017, 19-22 June 2017, Primosten, Croatia. Procedia Engineering 196 (2017) 527-534.

16. Rahn, K., Dougherty, M., and P. Davis. (2017). Laboratory methods to test thermal and
environmental effects of pervious paving runoff. ASC Proceedings, ASC 53rd Annual
International Conference, Seattle, WA, Feb. 2017.

17. Dougherty, M., Davis, J., Blersch, D., Fasina, O., and S. Taylor. (2016). Building technical skills
and success skill. Resource: engineering and technology for a sustainable world. Special Issue,
ASABE Resource Magazine, Sept/Oct 2016.

18. Elias, E., Rodriquez, H. Srivastava, P. Dougherty, M., James, D., and R. Smith. (2016). Impacts
of forest to urban land conversion and ENSO phase on water quality of a public water supply
reservoir. Forests, 7(2). doi:10.3390/f7020029

19. Fasina, O., Srivastava, P., Dougherty, M., Adhikari, S., McDonald, T., Taylor, S. and M.
Marshall. (2015). Incorporating ePortfolios into Student Learning. Resource Magazine. ASABE,
November/December 2015.

20. Rahn, K., Hein, M., and M. Dougherty. (2015). The contribution of pavements to urban heat
islands. Proceedings of ASC 51st Annual International Conference, April 22-25, 2015, College
Station, TX. Available at

21. Sidhu, R.S., Dougherty, M., Zech, W.C., and B. Guertal. (2015). Cost effectiveness of erosion
control covers during vegetation establishment under simulated rainfall. Journal of Water
Resource and Protection, 7, 119-129. doi: 10.4236/jwarp.2015.72010

22. Elias, E., Laband, D., Dougherty, M., Lockaby, G., Srivastava, P., and H. Rodriguez. (2014).
The Public Water Supply Protection Value of Forests: A Watershed-Scale Ecosystem Services
Analysis Based upon Total Organic Carbon. Open Journal of Ecology 2014 v.04 no.09 pp. 517-531.

23. Bhattarai, N., Quackenbush L.J., Dougherty, M., and L.J. Marzen. (2014). A simple Landsat-
MODIS fusion approach to monitor seasonal evapotranspiration at 30 m spatial resolution.
International Journal of Remote Sensing 36:115-143. doi: 10.1080/01431161.2014.990645

24. Mullenix, D.K., Adhik ari,, S., Runge, M., McDonald, T., Son, A., Dougherty, M.and J.P. Fulton.
(2014). Small-Scale Biodiesel Production: A Case Study of On-Farm Economics. Applied
Engineering in Agriculture. 30(4): 585-592. doi: 10.13031/aea.30.10285

25. He, J., Dougherty, M., and A. AbdelGadir. (2013). Numerical assisted assessment of vadosezone
nitrogen transport under a soil moisture controlled wastewater SDI dispersal system in a Vertisol. Ecological Engineering (53):28-234.

26. Elias, E., Dougherty, M., and D. Laband. (2013). Estimating the Public Water Supply Protection
Value of Forests. J. Contemporary Water Research & Education. Issue 152 (December).

27. Hein, M.F., Dougherty, M., and T. Hobbs. (2013). Cleaning methods for pervious concrete
pavements. International Journal of Construction Education and Research, 9:2, 102-116.

28. Dougherty, M., Burger, J.A., and C.M. Feldhake, C.M., and A.H. AbdelGadir. (2013). Calibration
and use of plate meter regressions for pasture mass estimation in an Appalachian silvopasture.
Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 59(2):305-315.

29. He, J., Dougherty, M., Arriaga, F.J., and A.H. AbdelGadir. (2013). Impact of a real-time
controlled wastewater subsurface drip disposal system on the selected chemical properties of a
Veritsol. Environmental Technology, doi: 10.1080/09593330.2012.746737

30. Christian, K.J., Wright, A.N., Sibley, J.L., Brantley, E.F., Howe, J.A., and M. Dougherty. (2012).
Effect of phosphorus concentration on growth of Muhlenbergia capillaris in flooded and nonflooded
conditions. J. Environ. Hort. 30(4):219-222.

31. He, J., Dougherty, M., and A.H. AbdelGadir. (2012). Numerical assisted assessment of vadosezone
nitrogen transport under a soil moisture controlled wastewater SDI dispersal system in a
Vertisol. Ecological Engineering, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2012.12.048

32. AbdelGadir, A.H., Dougherty, M., Fulton, J.P., Curtis, L.M., Tyson, T.W., Harkins, H.D., and B.E.
Norris. (2012). Effect of Different Deficit-Irrigation Capabilities on Cotton Yield in the Tennessee
Valley. Irrigation and Drainage Systems Engineering, doi: 10.4172/2168-9768.1000102

33. He, J., Dougherty, M., Arriaga, F., Fulton, J., Wood, C., Shaw, and C. Lange, C. (2012). Shortterm
soil nutrient impact in a real-time drain field soil moisture controlled SDI wastewater
disposal system. Irrigation Science, doi: 10.1007/s00271-011-0292-2

34. Bhattarai, N., Dougherty, M., Marzen, L., and L. Kalin. (2011). Validation of evaporation estimates
from a modified surface energy balance algorithm for land (SEBAL) model in the southeastern
US. Remote Sensing Letters, 3(6): 511-519, doi: 10.1080/01431161.2011.632655

35. Elias, E., Dougherty, M., Srivastava, P., and D. Laband. (2011). The impact of forest to urban land
conversion on streamflow, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and total organic carbon inputs to the
Converse Reservoir, Southern Alabama, USA. Urban Ecosystems, doi: 10.1007/s11252-011-0198-z.

36. AbdelGadir, A.H., Fulton, J.P., Dougherty, M., Curtis, L.M., van Santen, E., Burmester, C.H.,
Harkins, H.D., and B.E. Norris. (2011). Subsurface drip irrigation placement and cotton irrigation
water requirement in the Tennessee Valley. Crop Management, August 2011, doi:10.1094/CM-2011-0819-01-RS

37. He, J., Dougherty, M., Shaw, J., Fulton, J., and F. Arriaga. (2011). Hydraulic management of a
soil moisture controlled SDI wastewater dispersal system in an Alabama Black Belt soil. J.
Environmental Management, 92(10): 2479-2485.

38. He, J., Dougherty, M., Zellmer, R., and G. Martin. (2011). Assessing the status of onsite
wastewater treatment systems in the Alabama Black Belt soil area. Environmental Engineering
Science, 28(10):693-699.

39. Harbuck, T.L., J. P. Fulton, M. Dougherty, S. T. Taylor, D.J. Eakes, and J.L. Sibley. (2011). In-
Field Application Uniformity Evaluation of Pressure-Compensating Subsurface-Drip Irrigation
Products. J. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 27(1): 43-50.

40. Dougherty, M., Hein, M.S., Martina, B.A., and B.K. Ferguson. (2011). A quick surface infiltration
test to assess maintenance needs on small pervious concrete sites. Journal of Irrigation and
Drainage Engineering 137(8): 553-563.

41. Dougherty, M., AbdelGadir, A.H., Fulton, J.P., van Santen, E., Curtis, L.M., Burmester, C.H.,
Harkins, H.D., and B.F. Norris. (2009). Subsurface drip irrigation and fertigation for North
Alabama cotton production. Journal of Cotton Science 13:227-237.

42. Guertal, E.A., Dougherty, M., and E. van Santen. (2009). Soil and effluent irrigation nutrient
monitoring of an Alabama golf course. Applied Turfgrass Science, doi: 10.1094/ATS-2009-1014-01-RS

43. He, J., Lange, C.E., Dougherty, M. 2009. Laboratory study using paper mill lime mud for
agronomic benefit. Process Safety and Environmental Protection 87 (2009) 401-405.

44. Dougherty, M., Welsh, R., King, S., and E. Vis. (2009). Teaching landscape irrigation design to
non-engineering college students. J. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 254 (2):299-310.

45. Dougherty, M., Vaughan, D.H., Evanylo, G.K., Collins, E.R., Jr., and A.H. AbdelGadir. (2009).
Nitrogen values of liquid dairy manure and dry broiler litter as affected by preservation
treatment. J. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 25 (3):363-371.

46. Yang, K., He, J., Dougherty, M., Yang, X., Li, L. (2009). Municipal Wastewater Treatment
Through an Aerobic Biofilm SBR. Water Science and Technology. 59(5): 917-926.

47. LeBleu, C., Dougherty, M., Brantley, E., and C. Francis. (2008). Assessing nutrient reduction in
a rain garden with an internal water storage (IWS) layer In Negotiating Landscapes,
Proceedings of CELA 2007: The Council of Educators in Landscape Arch., August 14-19, State College, PA.

48. Dougherty, M., Bayne, D., Curtis, L., Reutebuch, E., and W. Seesock. (2007). Water
quality in a non-traditional off-stream polyethylene-lined reservoir. J. Environmental Management 85 (2007) 1015-1023.

49. Dougherty, M., Dymond, R.L., Grizzard, T.J., Jr. , Godrej, A.N., Zipper, C.E.,
Randolph, J., and C.M. Anderson-Cook. (2006). Empirical modeling of hydrologic
and NPS pollutant flux in an urbanizing basin. J.American Water Resources Association 42 (5) Oct 2006.

50. Dougherty, M., Dymond, R.L., Grizzard, T., Godrej, A., Zipper, C., and J. Randolph. (2006). Quantifying long-term NPS pollutant flux in an urbanizing watershed. J.Environmental Engineering 132 (4), 547-554.

51. Dougherty, M., Dymond, R.L., Goetz, S.J., Jantz, C.A., and N. Goulet. (2004).
Evaluation of impervious surface estimates in a rapidly urbanizing watershed.
Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing, 70(11):1275-1284.