College of Engineering / Center for Occupational Safety, Ergonomics, and Injury Prevention / About / Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion Statement 

Students from all backgrounds and perspectives are welcome in the Center for Occupational Safety, Ergonomics, and Injury Prevention (COSEIP) at Auburn University. The diversity that students bring to the COSEIP and allied programs is viewed as a resource, strength and benefit. COSEIP faculty intend to develop and include materials and activities that are respectful and affirming of all forms of diversity, including gender, religion, sexuality, disability, age, socioeconomic status, veteran status, ethnicity, race, and culture. All COSEIP students are expected to respect their peers and actively participate in fostering an inclusive learning environment. 

Recruitment of diverse students is a primary recruiting objective of the COSEIP programs and is accomplished as follows: 

  • Collaboration with the College of Engineering’s Academic Excellence Program (a minority recruiting and retention program at Auburn University that serves as a liaison with Historically Black Colleges and Universities [HBCUs] as well as professional associations). 
  • Interaction with prospective as well as enrolled undergraduate and graduate engineering students. All undergraduate Industrial and Systems Engineering students are required to take OSE courses. These courses have proven to be a successful means of recruiting diverse applicants. 
  • Participation in annual E-Day activities which are conducted during Engineers’ Week and brings several thousand high school and community college students to the Auburn University campus. 
  • Regular interactions with faculty and students at other institutions. 

The COSEIP faculty are interested in collaborating with anyone and everyone interested in helping to expand the above activities to promote the inclusion of diversity in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields.