College of EngineeringDepartment of Industrial and Systems EngineeringAcademicsGraduateDegrees & CurriculumHow to Apply
How to Apply
All graduate applications to our department are submitted to the Graduate School through an online application system. Our department does not review incomplete applications nor do we pre-evaluate applicants by email. The only way to be evaluated is by paying the application fee and completing the official application process. Please do not send information such as unofficial transcripts directly to the department. Applications must include completed application form, official transcripts, official GRE (if required) and TOEFL (if applicable) scores from ETS, Research Statement (PhD applicants only), and paid application fee. The departmental admissions committee evaluates the candidate and makes a recommendation to the Graduate School. The department will send an email to the prospect informing them of the recommendation. The Graduate School notifies the candidate of the decision. If accepted, international students who submitted an Official Statement of Finances form are sent an I20. If the form has not been completed, the Graduate School sends an acceptance letter saying acceptance is dependent on receiving the Official Statement of Finances form. If the candidate receives financial support from the department, we will notify the Graduate School of the amount of support and the candidate must supply an Official Statement of Finances form for the difference, if any, in order to receive an I20.
Admission Requirements
A bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university is required, and students should have an appropriate math and core IE background similar to our undergraduates. For students without a bachelor's degree in IE, leveling classes or outside work may be required. Click here for details about the required background and leveling (See Required Background). For all MS applicants who have an undergraduate degree in engineering from an ABET-accredited program and a 2.75 or higher GPA are not required to submit a GRE score; however, all PhD applicants are required to submit a GRE score.
A bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university is required; a degree in engineering is preferred. Applicants should have a background appropriate to the option to which they are applying (manufacturing, occupational safety and ergonomics, systems, or product innovation). For students without a bachelor's degree in engineering, leveling classes or outside work may be required. For all options, applicants who have an undergraduate degree in engineering from an ABET-accredited program and a 2.75 or higher GPA are not required to submit a GRE score. Option-specific requirements are listed below:
MEM-Manufacturing Option
Applicants without an undergraduate engineering degree may be admitted with five years or more of manufacturing experience. The GRE may be waived by the department for these applicants.
MEM-Occupational Safety and Ergonomics Option
Applicants without an undergraduate engineering degree should have education and/or experience in occupational safety and health or manufacturing. The GRE may be waived by the department for these applicants.
MEM-Systems Option
Applicants without an undergraduate engineering degree may be admitted with five years or more of systems engineering or related experience. The GRE may be waived by the department for these applicants.
MEM-Product Innovation Option
Applicants with a minor in Business-Engineering-Technology are not required to submit a GRE score. Applicants without an undergraduate engineering degree may be admitted with five years or more of product innovation experience. The GRE may be waived by the department for these applicants.
Official transcripts from each previous institution must be submitted directly to the Graduate School. Note that sending the official transcripts to the department rather than the Graduate School can significantly delay the admissions process. The mailing address for the transcripts is:
Graduate School
106B Hargis Hall
Auburn University, AL 36849-5122
Official copies of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) and/or the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) should be sent directly to the Graduate School from the Educational Testing Service (ETS). No subject test is required. As of April 26, 2016, our department does not require that master’s applicants take the GRE if they have an undergraduate degree in engineering from any ABET accredited institution with an overall GPA of 2.75 or higher. Please see the MEM program section for GRE requirements. If a master’s student in our program has a curriculum change form approved to add a PhD to his/her program, the GRE is not required. All external PhD applicants will still be required to take the GRE.
English Proficiency
All applicants MUST SUBMIT an OFFICIAL score on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) directly to the Auburn University Graduate School from the Education Testing Service or IELTS (International English Language Testing System). Exemptions are considered on a case-by-case basis, depending on their official government language and medium of instruction. Applications cannot be considered until the TOEFL test score has been received by the Graduate School. There can be NO EXCEPTIONS and there can be NO SUBSTITUTIONS. All foreign graduate teaching assistants are required to submit a satisfactory score (minimum score of 50) on the Test of Spoken English (TSE) in addition to 550 on the paper TOEFL (pBT), 213 on the computer TOEFL (cBT), and 79 on the internet TOEFL (iBT) to be considered for admission. On the iBT, students must score a minimum of 16 on the four parts of the iBT (reading, listening, speaking, writing). If you plan to apply for a teaching assistantship, you should take the TSE at your earliest opportunity. The TSE normally is given at the same time and place as the TOEFL.
Research Statement (PhD Applicants Only)
All PhD applicants must upload a Research Statement (may also be referred to as a Statement of Purpose) to the application system. This Statement should include primary areas of research interest and a list of one or more faculty members in our department you are potentially interested in working with.
Official Statement of Finances
International applicants must demonstrate full financial sponsorship if accepted into a graduate program. Applicants MUST provide certified documentation in U.S. Dollars of the availability of adequate financial resources to meet all personal and educational obligations. The properly completed Official Statement of Finances accompanied by certified evidence of your sponsor's financial capability MUST BE filed with the Graduate School before a Visa Eligibility Certificate (I-20 or IAP-66) can be prepared and sent to you unless you have sufficient financial aid from the department.
Letters of Recommendation
Our department does not require Letters of Recommendation (LOR). However, if you want to include them, please use the LOR Module within the main application system. Do not send LORs directly to the department.
MS, MEM: There are no deadlines for admission since we accept students Fall and Spring terms and review applicants continuously. However, the process will likely take several months, so apply far enough in advance to be accepted before the term you wish to begin studies. We usually allocate financial support by mid-April for the fall term, so if you wish to be considered for support, your application must have completed processing by that time.
PhD: The deadline for Fall semester is January 15 and the deadline for Spring semester is August 15. There are no PhD admissions in Summer semester.
Delayed Admission
Admission to the Graduate School is good for one year; i.e. if you are admitted for Fall 2024, you may enroll anytime during the 2024-2025 academic year, Fall 2024 or Spring 2025. If you wish to delay admission, please send an email to so stating.
Assistantships and Fellowships
The Department of Industrial & Systems Engineering does offer financial support (see Financial Aid) to outstanding students, usually through teaching and/or research assistantships. A very limited number of fellowships may also be available. Competition for support is open to all students (MS, MEM, and Ph.D. and international students). All students accepted for on-campus graduate studies are automatically considered for any applicable assistantships and fellowships. No separate form or application is used. There are no set requirements for financial support, but many students with excellent qualifications apply each year for a limited number of positions. GPA, standardized test scores (GRE and TOEFL), technical background and interests are considered. While a position may become available at any time, we usually make decisions for most support positions for the August-May school year in March of the previous year.
It is mandatory that all international students have a comprehensive medical insurance plan which covers them in the United States while they are enrolled at Auburn University.
Visit the Graduate School's application instructions page to begin the application process.