What is Career Coaching?

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), career coaching “focuses on solutions, insight and action. It is a positive approach that focuses on client’s capabilities, helping him/her to practice and hone skills needed in the job search. Coaching is active, focused, positive and outcome-oriented". 

Engineering Career Coaches are trained, student-centered professionals who create and develop customized, industry-specific resources to best support all undergraduate and graduate engineering students in their individualized career development process. Our team has certifications in NACE Career Coaching Intensive Training, Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF), Gallup CliftonStrengths Certified Coaching, Certified Professional Resume Writing, and more.  



Career Development Process: Discover curiousities and motivations. Assess interests, skills, values, strenghts and identities. Explore and research interests and ways to learn about majors, jobtitles, compaines, and careers. Plan and transition search for exciting jobs or apply to grad schools. Tamp into the Auburn Engineering network. Solidify decisions and transistion to adulting. Test and Evaluate Gain experiences with internships, co-ops, research, teams challenges, and global programs. Build connections with alumni, peers, and other professionals.


Individual career coaching | One-on-one career coaching sessions between an individual student and career coach, focused on one or more of the following career development topics: major and career exploration, networking and career fair preparation, resumes and cover letters, interview preparation, co-op, internship, full-time job search and graduate school preparation, offers and negotiation, and more. Sessions range from 30 minutes – 1 hour, with effective resources and strategies provided to the student. 

Group career coaching | Small groups with active engagement and discussion between peers, with facilitated content on the following topics: engineering resume development and refinement, career fair preparation, offers and negotiations, and successful transition to and from the workplace 

Resources | Based on career development topics, the Engineering CDCR team provides a variety of accessible resources and guides based on the students need, in both virtual and print options. Industry and Career Development Guides, along with specialized resources to prepare a student to effectively navigate through the Career Development Model are essential to the success of both the student and career coaching team.  

Signature Programs | Structured for larger audiences and a variety of student populations, a series of signature career development programs are designed and delivered each fall and spring semester for students to engage with industry and campus partners on a variety of topics. Signature programs include presentations, roundtable discussions and team projects, panels, and interview experiences, such as: Mock interviews with Engineering Young Alumni, CliftonStrengths interpretation and group facilitation,  International Student Job Search Summit, Graduate Student Career Readiness Summit, Design for Humanity, Professional Headshots, and more.  



Our team serves current undergraduate, graduate students and recent alumni up to 5 years post-graduation, and we are available to meet in-person in Brown-Kopel Suite 1133 or virtually, via Zoom.


 Please make sure to arrive on time and adhere to our No Show Policy: 

  • 30 minute appointments, more than 10 minutes late results in a cancelled appointment
  • 45 minute and one hour appointments, more than 15 minutes late results in a cancelled appointment

If you are unable to meet during your scheduled appointment time, please make sure to cancel your appointment at least 24 hours in advance in Handshake or by calling our office at 334-844-2250.