
Tables are the primary method of controlling text placement on the screen. They are also useful for displaying statistical data, and data that would be displayed in a spreadsheet.


<TR><TD COLSPAN=2>test1</TD><TD ROWSPAN=2>test3</TD></TR>

test1 test3
test2 test4

  • <TABLE>...</TABLE>
    Denotes the beginning and end of a table block. Modifiers for this tag are:
      Sets the amount of space between the data in a cell and the border of the cell.
      Sets the amount of space between cells.
    • WIDTH=#/%
      Sets the width of the table in pixels, or how much of a percentage of the browser window it should take up.
  • <TR>...</TR>
    Denotes the beginning and end of a row in the table.
  • <TD>...</TD>
    Denotes the beginning and end of a cell. Modifiers for the TD tag:
    • COLSPAN=#
      Tells the cell to take up a certain number of columns. See example above.
    • ROWSPAN=#
      Tells the cell to take up a certain number of rows. See example above.


Images, as covered in the Introduction to HTML, can give a great graphical representation to data on the web. The image tag covered in the introduction has some modifiers available to it.

  • ALT=""
    Provides an alternate text description to the image for browsers that are not capable of displaying images.
    Aligns the image with the text, either left or right, causing the text to wrap around the image.
  • BORDER=#
    Draws a border around the outside of the image.
  • HSPACE=#
    How much horizonal space should be allowed around the outside of an image.
  • VSPACE=#
    How much vertical space should be allowed around the outside of an image.