Xiao Qin's Spotlight

Auburn University


Al Assaf Defends Dissertation and Joins University of Jordan

Maen Al Assaf

Maen Al Assaf successfully defended his dissertation, "Multi-level Storage Systems", on Nov. 9, 2011. Dr. Al Assaf will join the University of Jordan as an assistant professor of computer science. Congratulations, Maen!

Maen and Jiong received their Ph.D. degrees during the Auburn University commencement ceremony held on December 12, 2011 (see a photo here).

His research interests include parallel and distributed computing, storage systems, prefetching algorithms, and performance evaluation.

In the past few years, Dr. Al Assaf has been working on several projects related to mutiple level storage systems, informed prefetching, and distributed data storage systems. He proposed pipelined prefetching mechanisms that use application-
disclosed access patterns to prefetch hinted blocks in multi-level storage systems. The fundamental concept in his approach is to split an informed prefetching process into a set of independent prefetching steps among multiple storage levels (e.g., main memory, solid state disks, and hard disk drives). His experimental results show that pipelined prefetching can imporve perfomance of multi-level storage system by up to 56%.

Click here to download his dissertation.

Below is the presentation of his dissertation research.