Mina Narayanan named Auburn's outstanding software engineering student

Published: May 17, 2018 3:00 PM

By Chris Anthony

Mina Narayanan, senior in software engineering, has been named the Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering’s outstanding software engineering student for 2018. Narayanan was drawn to the field because of its emphasis on problem-solving, and she plans to attend graduate school and research the use of bots on social media platforms.

“As an Auburn native, I was familiar with the opportunities that Auburn Engineering had to offer from a young age. Engineering has always fascinated me because of its creative, interdisciplinary nature. I enjoy working toward a definite goal by solving problems through a series of well-defined steps. However, loosely defined, thought-provoking questions also intrigue me. I chose to study software engineering because I found that understanding a problem, designing a solution and implementing it in code combined my need for structure and my appreciation for the unknown in problem-solving. Receiving this honor is humbling and an affirmation that hard work really does pay off! My plan is to attend graduate school and research the use of bots on social media platforms that manipulate public opinion during times of heightened political conflict. In the future, I hope to conduct research in the public sector evaluating public opinion online, determining how to encourage people to be politically active and participate in our democracy, and identifying bot-orchestrated malicious social media campaigns.”

Media Contact: Chris Anthony, chris.anthony@auburn.edu, 334.844.3447
Mina Narayanan

Mina Narayanan

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