What is your mission as a company?

Resilience is a choice.


What is your company culture?

FM Global supports, maintains and retains a global diverse workforce. We have an average 17 year tenure with our engineers and have mandated time-off.


What are your recommendations for seeking mentorship and support in the workplace?

FM Global pairs a mentor with a new hire for the duration of their year and a half training that the company provides.


How do I ask for help as a professional?

FM Global’s environment is collaborative. Our mission is to help our clients become resilient in their business and try to mitigate any foreseeable losses.


What is one piece of advice that you would give to your college-aged self?

One piece of advice I would give myself is to value work like balance over a pay check.


How can my Auburn Engineering education best prepare me for the world of work?

Your engineering education is valuable and helps you look at problems to find a solution.


If you were to hire someone to work with you today, what factors would be most important in your hiring decision and why?

Communication, someone who can present well and is outgoing.

What types of experiences, paid employment, or otherwise, would you most strongly recommend?

Customer Service roles are seen as a plus, not a negative. FM Global wants to see that, as well as internships at manufacturing, chemical and power generation plants.


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