facilitating the academic success of black women

SOTA’s Intensive Grantsmanship Seminar
April 2010
Location - TBD

SOTA’s newest activity, the Intensive Grantsmanship Seminar, will be held in April of 2010.

The expected outcomes of this event include knowledge acquisition of:

  1. public and private funding sources for dissertations, post-docs, junior/senior faculty and administrators
  2. information on the proposal/grant writing process
  3. the budget development process
  4. how to transform ideas into practical, fundable research
  5. technical writing skills
  6. the electronic submissions process, and
  7. the importance of the program officer’s relationship with prospective grantee.

Focusing on each participant’s research trajectory, the intensive grantsmanship seminars will include mentor pairing and meeting one-on-one with representatives from various funding sources. 

Workshops, plenary sessions, roundtable discussions, and collaborative proposal writing will also be major components of this process.

If you would like to receive information regarding the
Intensive Grantsmanship Seminar to be held in April of 2010,
add your information to our database.


For details regarding SOTA’s Intensive Grantsmanship Seminar…

Please contact Tonya E. Perry, Ph.D. (Alabama A & M University)
Email - drtonyaperry@yahoo.com