Meg Anderson

Assistant Project Manager

What is your mission as a company?

Our company’s purpose is building exceptional people, trusting relationships, great projects, and strong communities.


What is your company culture?

Brasfield & Gorrie owes its success to its people. Our people are genuinely passionate about what they do. We’re not just satisfied to make a paycheck; we want to make a mark on the hearts and minds of our clients and the communities we help support and serve. Brasfield & Gorrie employees give back by serving in a wide variety of community organizations. We place a high priority on giving back to the communities that support our business and foster our families. The company founders established a reputation for unwavering quality and integrity, and those values remain the bedrock of our business philosophy today. We work daily to build diversity in our workforce, increase collaboration with minority business partners, and promote a culture that embraces new ideas and strengthens communities.


What are your recommendations for seeking mentorship and support in the workplace

Brasfield & Gorrie believes deeply in the value of mentorship. In support of mentorship, we have several formal mentorship programs, including our Operational Women’s Group Mentorship Program and a Professional Engineering Mentorship Program. Our culture of mentorship shows up throughout the company, with returning interns and early-career employees training new interns and co-ops. We value great questions, and employees at all levels are ready to jump in to help. The best way to seek a mentor is to establish connections through networking at internal and external work and school functions. Always have a specific request and a goal for what you want to achieve through mentorship.


How do I ask for help as a professional?

Recognize early on that you need help, and when you ask for it, to be open and honest about what you need help with. Always go to a trusted colleague or relationship when you need assistance, whether it is professional or personal. You are part of a team!


What is one piece of advice that you would give to your college-aged self?

Be open to new experiences. Have an open mind and get out of your comfort zone – you have no idea what you could discover!


How can my Auburn Engineering education best prepare me for the world of work?

Focus on the systems and processes you learn as an engineer more than the formulas. An engineering degree gives you the foundation you need to be nimble and adaptable in the workplace. We will teach you the technical skills; all we ask is that you bring a creative and curious mind!


If you were to hire someone to work with you today, what factors would be most important in your hiring decision and why?

When hiring, we look for people with excellent soft skills. Potential employees who are curious, hardworking, and who possess high personal integrity stand out the most.


What types of experiences, paid employment, or otherwise, would you most strongly recommend?

Brasfield & Gorrie highly recommend becoming part of the Auburn co-op program. While summer internships are excellent ways into the workplace, co-ops in the fall and spring semesters are able to spend extended periods of time on projects, which facilitates additional growth and learning.


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