.. Guofu Niu web site master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed May 18 20:42:10 2011. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. ====================================================== Documentation ====================================================== * :download:`The Mextram Bipolar Transistor Model<./downloads/MextramDefinition505p00.pdf>` , G. Niu, R. van der Toorn, J.C.J. Paasschens, and W.J. Kloosterman. * :download:`"Model derivation of Mextram 504. The physics behind the model" <./downloads/nlur2002806.pdf>` , J.C.J. Paasschens, W.J. Kloosterman, and R. van der Toorn, Unclassified Report NL-UR 2002/806, Philips Nat.Lab., 2002 (1.10MB). Last update October 2004. * :download:`"Introduction to and usage of the bipolar transistor model Mextram" <./downloads/nlur2002823.pdf>` , J.C.J. Paasschens and R. van der Toorn, Unclassified Report NL-UR 2002/823, Philips Nat.Lab., 2002. * :download:`"Parameter Extraction for the Bipolar Transistor Model Mextram, Level 504" <./downloads/nlur2001801.pdf>` , J.C.J. Paasschens, W.J. Kloosterman, and R.J. Havens, Philips Research, Nat.Lab. Unclassified Report 2001/801, 2001. * "Mextram" by R. van der Toorn, J.C.J. Paasschens, W.J. Kloosterman and H.C. de Graaff Chapter 7 (pp. 199 - 227) of: `Compact Modeling, Principles, Techniques and Applications `_ , Gildenblat, Gennady (ed.), Springer, New-York, 2010.