Mary Claire Pace

Major: Mechanical Engineering
Gradution Term: Spring 2026
Hometown: Hartselle, AL
Favorite Color: Baby Blue
Favorite Snack: Boom Chicka Pop
Favorite Fast Food: Chick-fil-A
Favorite Drink: Sweet Tea
Outside of school I enjoy scrapbooking, hunting when in season, hanging out with friends and family, and going to concerts
Involvement: Alpha Omicron Pi, SWE, and ASME
Interning at Trane Technologies this summer
Minor in Finance
Favorite Class at Auburn: Mechanical Engineering Statics
Fun Fact: I am double-jointed
I wish I knew how rewarding engineering is. Everyone always says how tough the coursework is and while that is completely true, the feeling you get when you finish a class at the end of the semester with a good grade after all your hard work is super rewarding for me. I also wish I knew how supportive the community within engineering was. I have truly found some of my best friends who push me and help me whenever I need it.