Maci Hadley

Major: Software Engineering
Gradution Term: Spring 2025
Hometown: Fairhope, AL
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Snack: Snap’d Cheez-its
Favorite Fast Food: Chick-fil-A
Favorite Drink: Wild Berry Celsius
Outside of school I enjoy playing video games and working out
Involvement: Intramural Sports, Resident Assistant, and SWE
Internships: Aptar Summer 2023 and Eglin AFB with the Air Force Civilian Service this summer
Favorite Class at Auburn: Calculus 1
Fun Fact: I built my first pc over winter break!
One thing I wish I would have known before starting in engineering is don’t compare yourself. It’s easy to fall into that trap, but it’s important to focus on your own work and make your own self better inside and outside of the classroom.